Sunday, December 26, 2010

Closer ?

Ahaa , this the one my pet sis . Fathiah Raihana , 17 y/o . Sedap kan nama dia . But now we not close like before yeah . I just don't know what my fault . Or what the problem it is . I want we can talk to each other like usual . And like before . I know i'm not a good pet lil sis to u because of my attitude at my late sch . That the same sch with u . I just an ordinary girl that can make and do mistake . How can i run for all this thngs that gonna happen . U know better rigth ? I hope we can stay with our relationship . U are the only and the best pet sis that i ever have . No ones can take your place even i have a new pet sis in new sch this year . She is not as spotty as u . And the last thing i want u to know is I Love to have a person like u in my life . 

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